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Do I need a doctor’s referral for treatment?

No referral is required for your assessment or to begin treatments with a therapist. However, some extended health insurance plans may require a doctor’s referral in order to reimburse you for your therapy sessions. Our staff is available to check with your insurance provider to determine whether a referral is required for reimbursement.

Can I access my physiotherapy exercises online?

Yes! After your physiotherapy treatment, we will email you a unique link that you can click to access your exercise program. You can also download the Medbridge GO app to view your exercise program on your phone.

Are your services covered by my insurance?

Most extended healthcare plans cover a portion of your therapy sessions. Please bring your insurance provider information to the clinic and we would be happy to confirm your coverage details.

How long are physiotherapy assessments and what should I expect?

Assessments usually range between 45 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of the issue. Your session will include a detailed health history, range of motion testing, strength testing, movement pattern testing, and neurological testing. This assessment will allow your therapist to establish a diagnosis and work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to meet your health and fitness goals.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Comfortable clothing is recommended for all appointments. Please note that the area of injury will need to be exposed for proper assessment. Therefore, tank tops or sports bras are recommended for shoulder exposure and shorts are recommended for hip, knee and/or ankle exposure.

How long are physiotherapy treatments and what should I expect?

Treatments are scheduled for 30 minutes, however, you are welcome to stay and use our exercise equipment beyond your appointment if applicable. Your therapist will use the most recent evidence-based information related to your diagnosis to develop an individualized treatment plan that typically include: hands-on manual techniques, therapeutic modalities, specialized progressive exercise prescription, and education on your condition.

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